-- card: 4223 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2759 -- name: -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- Scheduling: Now that you've set up the data cards you're ready to schedule. On the Set Up Menu - select "Maximum number of days in a row" - here you can tell me not to put anyone on beyond a certain number of days. That is, schedule no one for more than 5 days in a row (or whatever). Next, set the Number of shifts per day (1 to four is the limit - I haven't included a lot of error checking so don't try to test the limits, just put in a number between 1 to 4). These numbers stay with the monthly card you are using. So, if you run the schedule program and don't like the schedule, erase this schedule and do -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- and try it again. The parameters remain in place. Of course you can change them. Where there is a conflict, or I have run out of people to put in a shift, I will put two stars ( **). You'll have to figure out what to do with these. As it is, I will try to pick someone from the 'Requests Off' stack 20 times per shift. If I come up empty handed, 2 stars gets put there. You should put the people Requested ON in the schedule first. Then, when I try to fill in the blanks using Requested Off people, I'll skip shifts that are already filled.